The 28th Annual St. Croix Pottery Tour will be held online this year, making it easier than ever to explore and purchase pots featured in this unique Minnesotan event. 

Normally, the tour takes place at 7 sites with over 60 potters showing and selling work north of the Twin Cities over Mother’s Day Weekend. This year, participating potters will be selling their work online starting May 8th at 10:00 am Central Time. 

What does a bone broth company have to do with a pottery tour?

Co-founders Molly and Maddy at the pottery tour in 2015

Taking Stock’s first ever paycheck came from making soup for potters and shoppers at Bob Briscoe’s site (now owned and run by Matthew Krousey) in 2015. Maddy and I have been volunteering in the kitchen at the tour for years, and collections of beautiful, one of a kind pieces of handmade pottery have grown because of this involvement.


The generous, hospitable spirit that drives the pottery community inspires Maddy and myself; Taking Stock strives to create a strong community, inspired by the potters we know and admire. 

Metz mugs with bone broth

Adding a handmade mug to your morning routine – whether it’s filled with tea, bone broth or coffee – willenhance the experience. Plates, bowls, platters, vases, and other decorative pieces will add pleasure to your mealtimes. Please, take the time to review the artists of this unique gathering and consider purchasing a piece of handmade pottery at this year’s online tour.